Is Laser Skin Resurfacing Right for Me?

Over time, a combination of hereditary, lifestyle, and environmental factors can take a toll on the appearance of our skin. For many individuals desiring to renew aging skin and/or address aesthetic issues pertaining to the skin, laser resurfacing can often prove to be an excellent option. This advanced, non-surgical technique is designed to combat a multitude of cosmetic concerns, including:
Minor lines and wrinkles
Brown spots and sun damage
Shallow acne scars
Blotchy pigmentation
Uneven skin texture
Despite having a broad range of qualified candidates, laser skin resurfacing is not suited for everyone. Patients who may not be considered good candidates for this treatment are those who have:
Very dark skin tone
Significant wrinkles, skin folds, and creases
Excess and/or sagging skin
If you are seeking to rejuvenate your appearance via laser skin resurfacing, I can closely evaluate your skin type, history of sun exposure, and extent of skin damage during a consultation at my practice. There are numerous laser technologies, ranging from restorative no-downtime treatments (Lumenis M22™ IPL) to fully ablative treatments (Lumenis UltraPulse CO2 laser), and this exam helps to determine which modality may be most appropriate, or if a different treatment would be better for your unique needs and concerns.